Get the idea?
compare English with another widely used language - Mandarin.
In Madarin, logical combinations are used to describe the above names for animals.
1. there is a generic name for an animal. e.g. cattle = "NIU", Horse = "MA" etc
2. genders are expressed as combinations of words. i.e. Male = "GONG", Female = "Mu", Baby = "Xiao" (literally mean "small" or "young"), Meat ="Rou".
Thus, Bull = "Gong Niu", cow = "mu niu", calf = "Xiao niu", Beef = "Niu Rou"
Stallion = "Gong Ma", Mare = "mu ma"....
see the logic?
This can go on for all animals without the need to make up new names for every gender/meat.
For example: just to describe gender (male & female only) for the above 6 animals, English requires 18 different words. (see above table)
Madarin, on the other hand, requires only 8 words.
To describe gender, baby and meat for the above 6 animals, English requires 30 different words.
However, Madarin requires 10 words only.
Furthermore, there are inconsistencies in English in this regards.
for example:
English doesn't have different words for beef cattle and dairy cattle.
It uses the Mandarin approach, i.e. logical combination.
cattle for meat production = "Beef" + "cattle"
cattle for milk production = "Dairy" + "cattle"
Now, isn't English funny?
and we wondered why the obvious misunderstanding between English speaking Nations and the rest of the world.
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