Sunday, 22 June 2008

until that day comes .....

Since I published the Little Mermaid story, some friends have asked if I m really a gay right advocate, or even "are you actually gay?"
Well, technically the whole human population has certain degree of homo and hetero sexuality at the same time. Its all about the magnitude of them. Majority of the population has very high degree of heterosexuality and makes homosexuality a minority. Hence comes the discriminations and divine condemnations from HE who lives in heaven. they are different sides of the same coin, although the hetero side comes up much more often than the homo side if tyhe coin is flipped.
Anyway, to cut it short, I belong to the majority group of the population, i.e. I prefer female than male. but thats not what I want to write.
when women's right was still a hot debate eons ago, someone famous (I only quote the famous and well known, who listens to ordinary Joes and Janes anyway) had said "Women's right IS human right" and of course he received applaud, thats for being famous.
Today, I would like to say "homosexuality right is human right, minority right is human right, disabled right is human right, mentally challenged right is human right"
in fact we can expand the list to cover any group of human beings who are systematically being discriminated due to their difference from the "majority & normal" human beings, which they can't change.
If human race can go beyond this, the list can be expanded to cover "Animal rights" and "all living being rights".
"Human right" would become a outdated term which could be replaced by "Living right"
If that day comes, we can all throw away the religion scriptures and live peacefully on earth and the universe.
But until that day comes......
Now we can all go back to our corners, pray as usual and get our guns and bombs and tanks ready. killing people who pray to a different invisible figure is not crime and you might get red carpet welcome at the pearly gate, if you arrive at all.
Good day.

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