complicated, ain't it?
Well, people love its taste but hate its calories. Just like we love our spouse when they are lovely at times but wish domestic violent is not a crime when they are naggy and bitchy.
I have been wondering what would be the most popular flavour if people are allowed to create their own ice creams?
Forget about the conventional tastes like strawberry, vanila etc. Let our imagination flies for once and think out of box (or your tiny office cubicle)
The alcoholics would want "beer flavour" or "Long Island Ice tea flavour".
slightly more sophisticated (or those who want to be perceived as such) would say "Merlot flavour", "Shiraz flavour".
Most blokes would quietly wish there is "Jessica Alba flavour", Chinese blokes would wish for "Gillian flavour"
Older blokes might wish for "Sharon Stone flavour" while the nostalgians would go for "Eliz. Taylor flavour"?
but I guess nobody would want "Britney flavour" now.

the ladies would probably want "George Clooney flavour" or "Brat Pitt flavour".
Older aunties might want "Roger Moore"?
What about some public figures?
Son of Abdul Razak would like "Prime Minister flavour" but never ever offer him "Mongolian flavour". he will throw u in jail for writing a blog if you do offer him "Mongolian flavour".
Siti's husband created various "privatisation flavour" ice cream that were supposed to eat together with "Cronism" waffles. His personal all time favourite has been "ISA flavour"
Son of Laden would love "70 virgin flavour"
Son of George made one "mission accomplished flavour" ice cream but nobody else liked it.
Now he prefers "inteligence flavour" because he believes "you are what you eat". He would shoot you if you bring him "WMD flavour" instead.
Son in law would die for a "beruk flavour" but deep inside he wanted "prime minister flavour" too but didn't have the balls and manhood to fight it over with son of abdul razak.
Mr Hu would pay dearly for "human right flavour" ice cream although he hate that taste but would like to put these ice cream on display. Never, ever offer him "independent Tibetan flavour". you would disappear faster than David Copperfield.
Mr Kim has always wanted to create "Nuclear weapon flavour" but he is enjoying "freaky flavour" now.
Mr Howard is short and small, so he likes "lap doggie flavour" and would wag his tail if you offer him that ice cream.
Mr Charles is a wierdo. He prefers "Camila flavour" which is regarded publicly much much inferior compared to the "Diana flavour" ice cream that he had but dumped. well, taste is very personal so we have to respect his choice
So, whats your flavour?
1 comment:
I want a rainbow or nice scenery ice-cream :)
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