Monday, 21 November 2011

Don't raise your horns, really?

More on sheep and goat.

I wrote something on comparison of sheep and goat 3 years ago. Today I read an article about the same and felt complied to write a bit more for another aspect.

Generally, a sheep is docile, conforming, follows the herd, obeys the shepherd and his dogs, non combative, doesn’t argue and stays where he/she is fenced up at.

On the other hand, a goat goes his/her own way, fights the dogs, jumps fences, questions authority.

Regardless of who you want to be, a sheep or a goat, there are always external forces trying to make you into one or another.

So, who would prefer a world full of sheep?

1. Governments. The more sheep in the country, the easier for them to rule. This is especially true for those great leaders the likes of Chairman Mao, Stalin, Hitler, or more recently Mr. Kim, Mr. Hussein, Mr. Lee, Mr. Mahathir, the list goes on. These great leaders despise and hate goats. Rightly so, the goats question them, challenge them and fight them.

More than 2 thousand years ago, the son of Joseph and Mary did just that and guess what they did to him? They nailed him on a wooden cross. That’s how great governments dealt with annoying goats.

Recently, there were some really unhealthy happenings in the middle east. Some great leaders were challenged and brought down by their own goats. This is most outrages and unthinkable! They supposed to be docile sheep and run away when the shepherd unleashed the dogs on them. Instead, they turned around and raised their horns and sent the dogs running with tails between their legs.

2. Organised religions. This is not to be confused with religions, as most of us usually equal them as the same. In reality, religion and organized religion are 2 very different things. Religion is about spiritual, finding universal truth, betterment of oneself, self cultivation, enlightenment. Whereas, organized religion is about rule, control, impose, dictate, oppress, punish and so on, all wrapped up in a thin sugar coat of called “divine order”.

As in the case of governments, organized religions condemn goats and will not hesitate to put them on the chopping board if they have the opportunity. That’s the reason all organized religions demand their subjects to be sheep. “Don’t raise your horns” goes one famous quote. “Obey the shepherd and submit to him” says another. Being a goat, you would probably raise your hand and ask “who are the shepherds?”. You will be frowned upon for asking silly questions. Of course the shepherds are the appointed ones by the divine force, whoever that is depending on which organized religion, who are given divine right to guide and bring you back to the right path, i.e. be a docile sheep. If you dare to ask “how do we know what you say is true?”, they will expedite your passage to eternal hell by burning you alive. But fear not, at least your soul will be save because they will pray for you for the entire BBQ party.

Just few hundred years ago, they rounded up thousands of goats, labeled them witches and sorcerers, and burnt them alive. Best of all, they made all the sheep in the city to witness the roasting session. What’s better than a real life lesson on “don’t raise your horns”?

There’s another great thing about organized religions. When their numbers are small, they are usually the oppressed and at the receiving end. When their number builds up, in a blink of an eye, they begin giving out divine punishments to the sheep and goats. Such a wonderful thing.

3. Perfect spouse or partner. You should just worship your perfect partner for he/she knows everything and does no wrong. Anything less than admiration and total devotion is unforgiven. A sheep is a perfect match for a perfect partner who needs lots of respects, admirations and ego boosts. Can you imagine a goat in that position? “The Nepalese are dark because most of them are fishermen at the sea back home.” A sheep would answer “wow. You are so knowledgeable and smart.” The perfect spouse gets his/her daily dose of respect and ego boost. All is well. A goat would roll his/her eyeball and say “I think Nepal is a land locked country and has no coastline.” The perfect spouse can’t be wrong and so a domestic argument will happen, which will break down the family – the basic building block of our civilized society. Do you want that to happen?
Only if all wives are sheep, they wouldn't set up and promote the superbly relevent "Obedient Wife Club" or affectionately called OWC, to educate and bring the goat wives back to the right path. No prize for guessing. of course to become a docile sheep, with added spice of husband pleasing sexual "behaviors".

Now, do you see my concerns? Being a goat means you are ungrateful, troublemaker, law breaker, go against divine rules, etc. your acts are punishable and the good shepherd will not hesitate to crack his whip and let their dogs on you.

Ask any livestock farmer and their will tell you docile-ness is one of most important criteria when they choose an animal at a yard. Polled or horn-less breeds are preferred. Most of them burn the horn butt off on young kids and lambs so they will not grow again.

So do you still want to raise your horns and jump the fence? Repent and be a docile sheep now.