The next day, Adam and his guide Amesh went into the swamp to install the sensor-cameras. Before they took off, Amesh handed Adam a mask with human face on it.
“Mr. Adam, wear this behind your head. Tiger usually likes to ambush from behind. If it sees the mask, hopefully, it will think you are facing it and won’t attack.” Explained Amesh.
It was a hot and humid day in the swamp. To locate, install, test and record was actually real hard work and they were soaked in their own sweat by late aftenoon. They stopped by a small river to rest and to have a cigarette break.
Suddenly, Adam stood up and dropped his cigarette.
“Did you hear it? There is a girl calling for help.”
Amesh face turned pale. He had heard it too.
“It’s from across the river. We have to go help her.” Adam said.
“No. No. Mr. Adam. This is the work of hinapa. Asyoitan must be not far from here. Let’s get back to the village now.”
“IT’S A GIRL. She is probably hurt and needs help. We can’t walk away.”
“Why is a girl doing alone in the forest? No girls will enter the forest. It’s the hinapa. Please leave now.”
“I will go and help her.” Adam said with a firm voice.
“Please don’t go. Mr. Adam. It’s a trap”
Adam was angry with what he saw as cowardice of Amesh. He put down his backpack containing the sensor camera and started to cross the river.
“Please don’t go. Please come back” Amesh pleaded.
When he saw that Adam had already crossed the river, he turned and ran back towards the village.
“I have to get help” he said to himself.
Adam was trying to go faster but the terrain and the thick bushes were slowing him down. As he went deeper into the forest, the girl’s voice seemed nearer. With his mind pre-occupied, he failed to notice that the forest was completely silent except for the voice of the girl’s calling for help.
Suddenly, something hard hit his head. He looked up and saw to his surprise, Muni was up in a tall tree. He smiled at Adam and gestured him to climb the tree.
The tree had no low branches but with the help of the hanging vines, Adam managed to reach where Muni was. He looked down and found himself at least 15m above ground and could see the forest below clearly.
“what are you doing here, boy?”
Muni signed to him to be quiet and pointed forward.
Adam saw a big wild boar searching for food in the bushes about 100m from where he was just now.
From his rough estimate, the boar weighted more than 100kg. With formidable curved tusks, it was certainly a dangerous wild thing.
Suddenly, the boar paused and lifted its head. It was alerted by something in the air. Seconds later, Adam smelt it too.
It was like a mixture of urine and rotting meat.
Adam knew at once what it was. The smell that you would get when you were near the big cats enclosure in a zoo.
“Tiger!” He said to himself.
The boar was moving in circle as it didn’t know which direction was safe. The odor was getting stronger and it filled the air in the forest.
Adam realized that the forest was completely silent. Even the birds and insects were not making any sound; except for the soft grunts of the boar.

Finally overcome by panic, it dashed into the thick bushes and disappeared. The bush was covered densely with tall undergrowth and the shadows casted by the setting sun had made it very difficult to see what was inside it.
Adam heard a sharp cry from an animal in pain and saw movements in the bush. The head of the boar emerged; covered in blood. One of its eyes had been ripped out and part of the face was gone. Before it was fully out of the bush, something caught it from behind and dragged it back into the bush.
Adam could only see movements in the bush and heard the last few helpless cries of the boar, which sent shivers down his spine.
Everything went back to silent again but the distinct odor was growing stronger and stronger.
To his horror, Adam started to feel weak as if the odor had become a thick fluid that filled up his lungs and he could barely breathe.
He knew what or who was waiting for him down in the bush.
There were soft voices all around him, male and female.
“Come down here, my friend.”
“Let go and come with us.”
“Jump now and you will be free forever.”
Adam was shaking in cold sweat and had to hold on tightly on the branch with all his strength in order not to fall.
“Hold on. Hold on. Don’t fall.” He said to himself. His legs felt weak and he would have fallen had he not put his arms around a big branch.
He saw lights spinning around him and felt so weak that he wanted to close his eyes.
His last bit of consciousness knew that he would lose his balance and fall if he closed his eyes. With all his mental strength, he forced himself to focus on the branch right in front of him. It was like someone fighting to wake up from a bad dream.
He had heard tales of monkeys falling from the tree when a tiger roared below it. Now he understood why.
It could be a few minutes or maybe one hour. Adam had lost the sense of time. He couldn’t feel his legs. All he could do was to hold on to the branch as hard as he could.
Gradually, sounds of birds and insects were again heard.
Adam gave a sigh of relieve. The voices were not heard anymore.
He turned around. Muni was also gone.
“Mr. Adam. Mr. Adam. Where are you?”
He heard Amesh’s voice. He had come back with another 5 villagers. They had spears and axes with them.
“Thanks for coming back for me. It was Asyoitan”
“You were smart to safe yourself up in the tree.”
“It was Muni who helped me …”
“Stop joking. Mr. Adam. It’s not nice to joke about the deceased.” One of the villagers said sadly.
“What do you mean?”
“Muni was found seriously injured this morning. Mauled by a tiger. He would had been dragged away and eaten had it not for the buffalos. We think they drove the tiger away. We heard their bellows and found Muni lying on the ground surrounded by buffalos. Tiger prints were all over the ground. Muni died one hour later. His widow mother was devastated.”
“I swear to God. He was up in the tree with me just now”
“You were under the spell of the hinapa. Muni came to help you my friend. “ Amesh said slowly.
Back in the village, while the women were comforting Muni’s widow mother, the men gathered to discuss.
The Hunter and the hunted
“Why didn’t Muni become a hinapa?” Adam asked Amesh.
“I think it was because he died in his mother’s arm. A mother’s love is much powerful than any spell of a demon. His soul is safe”
Adam nodded and walked away quietly.
“Thank you for saving me. I shall revenge your death, Muni. I shall end it. Asyoitan will be hunted down and killed. I promise you.” Adam made a vow after he laid down Muni’s drawing pad next to the boy motionless body. He made his proposal to the villagers and they agreed.
Three days later, Adam was in Chittagong, the biggest port city in Bangladesh. He came to see his friend Anil. Anil worked as a school teacher but he used to be a hunter.
He had shot a monkey and found a baby clinging on the dead mother. It was wailing and holding on so tightly that they couldn’t separate them with the strength of two grown men. Anil dropped his gun on the spot and made a vow never to shoot any innocent creature again.
Adam told Anil about Asyoitan and the villagers.
“I had heard similar stories. These creatures are vey elusive and cunning. It’s almost impossible and dangerous to track them down and have a clear shot. They may hunt us down instead. Furthermore, one or two bullets won’t finish them off.”
“What do you suggest? Hold it down and point the gun at its head?”
“Exactly. That’s what we need to do. We shall use traps to clam it.”
“You mean using baits?”
“No. It’s too smart to be tricked by food. We shall use something even demon can’t resist.”

Back in the village, Anil asked help from the villagers to set up the traps. He had brought with him a few big iron clawed clams used by bear hunters.
“We have the ultimate lure for Asyoitan. These bottles contain fresh urine of a big male tiger and a tigress in heat. I got them from a friend who works in a tiger sanctuary park. No male tiger can resist the scent of a female in heat. A challenge from another male in his territory will anger him and distort his awareness.”
“Very smart, Anil” said Adam.
“Now all we need to do is to setup a few traps and wait. It’s insane to go into the jungle at night with a man eater lurking in the dark. He can definitely smell the scent. We will only go to check the traps in day time.”
“Yea. Once it’s held by the clams. You can get close and BANG BANG BANG on its head.”

Two days later, they went back to check the traps. Anil handed Adam one of his guns and showed him how to use it.
“I hope you don’t have to use it. Having a face-to-face encounter with a tiger is NOT what you saw in movies. Tigers are NOT game.” He said seriously
Adam nodded. He knew after the narrow escape from Asyoitan.
One by one they checked the traps that they had set up but none was touched. With the scent of tigers around the traps, no other wild animals would even get close to them.
Just as they were approaching the last one, Anil paused and whispered softly to Adam “Stop. Something’s here. Wait here while I check it out”. He pointed to a big tree.
Adam tensed up and gripped the gun firmly. A faint odor was in the air. A smell that Adam would never, ever forget.
Anil walked cautiously towards the traps, gun raised and finger on the trigger.
After a while which seemed like a long time to Adam, Anil motioned him to come forward and pointed to ground.
“Oh My God. He broke the chain!”
There were blood stains on the forest floor and the iron chain was still fastened on a big tree trunk, only the end that was attached to the clawed clam was broken and the clam was missing.
“The clam got it but the chain could hold it. A demon, indeed. The claws must be tearing through its flesh. Imagine the pain.”
Anil signaled him to be quiet and checked the prints on the ground. He motioned Adam to come along as he followed the foot print.
Adam’s heart was pounding hard.
“Is he insane? Following an injured beast?”
They walked for about twenty minutes and Anil spotted something shinny between the roots of a huge strangler fig tree.
It was the missing clawed clam with a large piece of flesh still firmly gripped between the iron claws. Flies were swamping over it.
“The trap got its tail and severed it so much that when it was again caught between the roots, Asyoitan pulled so hard that it just torn off its body. Dang. We almost got it and it got away.”
“Let’s get back to the village. It’s getting dark soon” Adam was not comfortable facing an injured tiger in the dark, even with Anil and his gun around him. He knew the speed and power of Asyoitan.
When the villagers saw the severed tiger tail, they were worried.
“We have angered the demon. He will come back for revenge.” Mahmood the elder shook his head and said.
“We shall build fire around the village and put a few on guard tonight. The rest of us should stay inside and lock our doors and windows”
“I shall do it.” Anil raised his hand and said.
Adam couldn’t sleep. He imagined Asyoitan would bust through the flimsy wooden door and pound on him. The distinct odor, the powerful paws, the huge jaws, the deadly fangs and the broken tail of Asyoitan filled his head. But the night past without any incident.
At dawn, he opened the door and found Anil sitting on a log, gun in his hand, cat napping.
Anil opened his eye and said tiredly, “It didn’t come last night.”
Just then, they heard a scream.
A man was lying inside his hut. Neck broken and dis-bowelled. His belly was ripped open exposing the internal organs. The things in his hut were almost undisturbed.
“It’s Abdullah. The demon came through the back window. Swift and silent like a ghost” said Mahmood.
There was another scream. Arshad’s wife was the second victim. Her body was found outside their hut with her neck snapped and throat slashed. Arshad was crying.
“Why did she get out in the dark?”
“It’s the hinapa. They lured her out.”
Anil’s head hanged low. He felt defeated. Asyoitan came, killed someone and slipped away while he was on guard and he didn’t even know.
Nobody had seen it but three innocent lives were taken.
The commotion woke up everyone in the village. They gathered around the victims’ hut but nobody spoke. Adam could see the fear and sorrow in their eyes.
Amesh whispered something to Mahmood. He thought for a while then nodded. Both of them left quietly.